🟢They can eat lots of Puddle Plorts in one sitting. 🟢They always produce 2 Salty Plorts upon eating a Puddle Plort They eat Puddle Plorts and may or may not harrass Puddle Slimes. Salty Slimes are a new slime that are made when a Pink Slime eats a Deep Brine. 🔴When hungry it can deal damage Salty Slimes 🟢Instead of producing plorts, it produces resources 🔴Could turn into a Tarr Slime at any moment if unfed. 🔴Turns back into a Boom Slime upon being touched This mod adds 3 new slime types: the Ruby Slime, which is a small slime that turns back into a Boom Slime upon being touched by a player, the Unstable Slime, which could turn into a Tarr Slime at any moment, and the Ruins Slime, which, in a nutshell, is a resource generator. 🔴They become 3x their size when they are hungry Slime Collection 1 Shadow Slimes are a red-black vertical gradient, but watch out, because they hurt on touch, and they can grow up to 3x their size upon being agitated! The Shadow Slime is formed by leaving a Phosphor Rad Largo out in the sunlight, or by leaving a Phosphor Rad Largo to bake in the sun. This mod adds a new slime type the Shadow Slime. 🟢They don’t decay from hunger Shadow Slimes 🔴A player who touches a Calmed Tarr takes damage. 🔴Splashing it with water causes it to stop producing plorts. Once you feed a Tarr a Slimy Soultution, it will become a Calmed Tarr, and you’ll be able to create a Tarr that doesn’t decay from hunger, can’t be killed by water, and doesn’t target ranchers (they still attack you if you get too close). It will take a few tries, so try and put few Abysmal Pumps on the area connecting the Moss Blanket and the Dry Reef. You get Slimy Solution by putting a pump on areas like the bit connecting the Moss Blanket and the Dry Reef. This mod adds farmable version of Tarr that is created when feeding Tarr a Slimy Solution. 🔴They deal a lot of damage and teleport player Tarr Rancher 🔴They manipulate the gravitation forces near them This also work on players, unless you have Gravity Cuffs upgrade.

Up, White Hole Slime blows everything away.

They’re obtained by shooting Boom Quantum Largo into the Chicken Cloner. This mod adds 2 new slimes to the game: Black Hole Slime and White Hole Slime.