I read this year’s CSE notification and it mentioned something to the effect that the candidate should give the proof of having completed the qualifying degree. I have a peculiar problem: I am moved into my final year B.Tech and plan to give CSE 2013. So should one leave the static polity portion for the Mains?Ģ. Instead polity was injected with a heavy dose of current affairs. In the GS mains papers of the past few years I observed that there was almost nothing from the static polity question like fundamental rights/duties, prez, Pm etc. Good luck for the course and your career.ġ. Websites of Ministries of – Rural Development Social Justice Women and Child Home Īs 3rd September is nearing, you must be excited about the FC.India development gateway website aggregates wonderful information on numerous development related activities of Government of India.Read any material seemingly relevant to the syllabus (newspapers, magazines, Apps on your mobile, iPad etc!).Vajiram’s printed notes (glanced through once).Printed Notes of Sriram IAS (available one month prior to Mains).Environment chapter in Spectrum’s S&T (for legislations etc),.Spectrum’s S&T (for basics of nano tech, bio tech, space, robotics etc),.“Statistics for Economics” – NCERT class 11th.International Affairs, Institutions, Bilateral relations Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh (a very very basic book).

Economic Survey (for data and current issues related to economy),.(Most updated websites on legislative activities).gktoday.in (for quizzes and news related snippets).Constitution of India (P M Bakshi) as reference,.